Habasit 深知质量不仅限于产品可靠。客户靠我们提供最适合需求的解决方案以及可以信赖的服务,确保其流程和业务运转。
Habasit 质量声明

Habasit pursues a policy of responding to the long-term requirements of our customers. We aim to generate added value for customers and to support their success.

Products and Services
Our integrated management system supports and promotes the continuous improvement of products and services. The selection and monitoring of top-class raw materials together with innovative ideas leads to excellent products with long service lives

Every employee is responsible for his or her own performance. This particularly includes quality consciousness. Personal growth in the current position, and self-fulfillment, are also the responsibility of the employee. As an employer, Habasit encourages both.

Processes generate results, and thus also their quality. Habasit uses a process-oriented management system. Where necessary, processes are continuously improved to enhance quality and to achieve an optimal cost-benefit ratio.