
Habasit 将自己视为解决方案提供商。没错,我们是全球领先的皮带制造商。我们取得今天的成就,每一步都少不了专家的技术支持,并在此基础上专注于一个目标:针对每个特定需求提供合适的解决方案。无论您从事什么行业,我们都能凭借数十年的经验、持续的研发和广泛的产品
了解 Habasit 服务的行业,并了解我们的优质解决方案如何让客户的业务受益。面临工业皮带挑战?我们的专家乐于为您提供定制化解决方案。

Habasit 专家已凭借我们在本行业的广泛知识开发出多种选择和计算工具


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Moving smarter with Habasit at Package Fulfilment Expo

Habasit brings energy-efficient, low-noise, and dependable belting solutions to Cincinnati for Package Fulfilment, Logistics & Delivery Expo on July 13th and 14th.
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Innovation in action at Tire Technology Expo 2022

Habasit tire industry solutions: outstanding quality, proven innovation, and true customization
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Join us at Anuga FoodTec

From April 26th to 29th discover the premium quality, innovative and hygienic belting solutions that keep your food processing operations in motion.
Customer stories

High lateral rigidity of PNB-12EITO prevents tracking problems

Customer stories

Rigid PNB-14EYWO keeps flights in place and conveys tobacco efficiently

Customer stories

Maintenance-free treadmill belt saves time and improves performance

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“More with less” ... or how Robotunits combines cutting-edge technology and intelligent construction solutions

Robotunits GmbH, was founded in 1994 as a part of the owner-operated Heron Group. With its standardized modular automation system, Robotunits develops, produces and delivers fast, flexible and high quality belt conveyor technology, as well as safety fence and linear motion systems. The company, with its headquarters in Dornbirn, Austria, operates through branch offices in the U.S., Australia, England and Italy. The core idea of the Robotunits modular automation system is to realize for and with the customers tailor-made, innovative and multifunctional solutions at minimal cost and maximum benefit.